The Costco Enterprise Design System (EDS) is designed to give non-eCommerce teams a
of design guidelines to ensure that applications across the entire organization look and
feel the same to end users. In addition to the design components, the Costco EDS
provides Angular components. This will enable both design and development teams to
new interfaces quicker as the foundational building blocks are already available.
Getting Started
UX Design
Getting started is as simple as adding the Costco EDS Library to your Figma
file. The UX Design components live in a Figma Library and Figma design file.
Create a new 'Design File' or open an existing file within Figma.
Step 1
Navigate to your Assets panel.
Click the ‘Book icon’ to open the Team Library modal.
You can use a keyboard shortcut to
access 'Team Libraries' Mac:⌥ (Option)+3 Windows:Alt+3
Step 2
Find the ‘Costco Web Components’ Library in your current file. Remove it.
Also find the ‘Foundations’ Library and remove it.
Step 3
Switch to the ‘Costco’ tab.
Click on ‘Other libraries’.
Step 4
Find the ‘Enterprise Design System’ and click ‘Add to file’.
Close the modal.
Step 5
In the assets panel, find components you need.
Drag-and-drop the components you need for your project.
Software Development
Angular Project
Here is an Angular v15 project that implements the Enterprise Design System. You will notice
that the styling is based on Angular Material with overrides and a series of composites of
elements for a desired styling.
Link to the repository: Costco Enterprise Design System Repository Our recommendation is for
it to be Forked into your own project and start development using the Public_1.0 branch
Take note that VSCode Snippets are available in the assets of the project. These
snippets make it easy to start using the components.
Once you have Forked the branch you can take a look a this demo video to see a sample of the
compoents in use.
Additionally, you can take a look at the Main branch where the module DEMO is available and
you can see all the components in use. You can find the running site here.
Current Efforts
Our next goal is to provide a simple CSS library to showcase EDS stylings. We are aware of the
usage of multiple CSS frameworks and libraries, and we think that providing a baseline that
can be used for modifying those librarries will have a greater impact. Stay tuned for updates on this effort!
'Foundations' Reference
The Foundations Reference serves as an online version of all the design components to allow
both designers and developers to quickly see how a component is made both visually and
library-agnostic code. The Foundations Reference can be found here.